The Oslo School of Architecture and Design | Interaction design | Spring 2023 | 4 Weeks | By; Siddharth  Kothiyal and Luca Verde
Oslo Løa is an experience and knowledge center located in the Oslo Fjord. Its main goal is to raise awareness about marine litter through a combination of organized fjord and beach cleanups, followed by sorting the collected litter to share knowledge and highlight the systemic failures that led to it in the first place.
Our initiative introduces a digital companion to Løa, visualizing the knowledge and highlighting the problem through interactive storytelling. Additionally, it explains the purpose of Oslo Løa, aiming to extend its impact to a broader audience when it is closed. 
This project is done in collaboration with Lokalt Byrå and Nordic Ocean Watch.
Art direction; The colour choice is a combination of dirty green and light blue to illustrate the contrast between the waste and the ocean, and the problem and solution, and to create a more tactile and relatable experience we used real images of waste.
Oslo Løa - interactive won the sustainability prize from EGGS design at AHO WORKS Spring 2023.

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